

I would like to introduce some of my favorite Youtube channels. First, we have the Bow tie music channel, which was made by a real music teacher. He is living in the USA. His videos are really simple. For instance, there are students who play some instruments with Carl Orff, then some of the students dance with New England dancing masters music. I've never listened to their music but it sounds really lively. If you are a music teacher I recommend watching his videos!

?The next channel I'd recommend would be a recommendation from the bow tie channel which is called the musication?channel. I use their videos over 50 times in my face-to-face and virtual classes. You can play the instruments as if they were a game while you watch their videos. Many Children love this channel!

The last one on the list is ?María José Sánchez Parra channel. Maria is also a music teacher for kinder but recently she might be teaching at college. She is studying Dalcroze rhythmic, which is directly related to my class.



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